Extremely sorry to report Milly died during the night. She had protozoa which unfortunately got the better of her. We made her comfortable and stayed up with her through the night to give her as much comfort and love as possible.

RIP Milly, you were loved 

A little update on Milly.

Milly will be at the vets for some weeks until she can gain enough strength to withstand the hip operations. She’s doing well so far, although you wouldn’t think so looking at the footage. She can now keep her head raised and is eating well. Slowly gaining some strength. 

Please help us to pay her medical bills by donating: paypal.me/lovinaAW

Meet Milly, our latest rescue. Poor girl has been neglected possibly her whole life  Taken straight to the vet, suffering with malnutrition, mange and has a broken hip. Milly needs 2 operations to fix her hip. 

Please help her by donating: paypal.me/lovinaAW