An update on Sunny. He’s had the operation to remove the plate from his hind leg and seems to be doing well so far. He can stand a little and move around. Hopefully he will make a good recovery. We want to see him running around and playing as soon as possible.

Please help us pay for his care: Your support is much appreciated. Thank you!

Sep 1, 2023

At the moment Sunny is at the vet in the South because one of his pins from his surgery has broken through his skin and the poor little lad is in pain  We’ve had countless vaccinations and sterilisations since the last update. Also, after 2 months at the vet our 3 pups were fit enough to come home. Pierre contracted parvo and it was touch and go for a few days, but he’s a little fighter and came through it alright in the end, thank goodness!

This was Pierre when we rescued him. He was dumped at a service station.